Working in collaboration with interactive media company Walking Cinema and public radio journalists at WBUR, we have curated an experience of select Hidden Sacred Spaces that takes you deeper into the spaces themselves and the overarching theme of spiritual transformation in America. For more information on shifts in religious-spiritual demographics and how care providers are responding to them, visit the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab.
Boston's Hidden Sacred Spaces: The Immersive Experience

Seafarers Mission
Learn more about how cruise ship workers find practical and spiritual comfort in the few hours they have ashore in Boston Harbor. First, listen to the audio track and then click on the 3D button to dig deeper into this sacred space and the characters from the audio story.
Listen to: Public Radio Segment – The Seafarers Mission
Walter Wuthmann, WBUR
How is American spiritual practice transforming? What can we learn from informal sacred spaces about this transformation? In partnership with WBUR and Brandeis University, Walking Cinema presents this enhanced podcast “Boston’s Hidden Sacred Spaces.” Here we explore the Seafarer’s Mission at the cruise ship port.
*Note: 3D model works best on Android phones and desktop computers
Our Lady of the Airways Chapel
This was first airport chapel in the world, set up by the Catholic church in 1951 for employees of Boston Logan Airport. Come explore the chapel to see how it’s adapting to new religious practices, and to discover how this space might inform modern attempts to bring spirituality into the workplace.
Listen to: Public Radio Segment – Our Lady of the Airways
Walter Wuthmann, WBUR
Our Lady of the Airways – Hidden Sacred Space – 3D model by walkingcinema (@walkingcinema) [99a2c91]
*Note: 3D model works best on Android phones and desktop computers
Hebrew Senior Life Synagogue
The HSL synagogue was built when the retirement community was mostly Jewish. Since then the community and its caretakers have diversified tremendously. Discover how one chaplain has transformed the services here to incorporate Reggae music and a multi-denominational feel. NOTE: Due to COVID-19 risks, we were not able to create a 3D immersive experience of this sacred space.
Listen to: Public Radio Segment – Our Lady of the Airways
Walter Wuthmann, WBUR